About Strings for Seattle
Strings for Seattle is a featured, official fundraiser and nonprofit for uncompensated care at Seattle Children’s Hospital. We donate 100% of profits from stringing services and donations to the hospital. In other words, the money donated will be used to provide health services and treatment for children without insurance or those who can not fully afford the cost of care.
Chris Nguyen, the stringer for Strings for Seattle, is a senior at Ingraham High School. He has been on their varsity tennis team since his freshman year. He also plays at the Tennis Center at Sand Point. Three years ago, he decided to learn how to string his own tennis racquets. Months later, he started stringing his friends’ racquets as well. By the end of 2019, he had started this nonprofit and could string a racquet in under an hour. Soon after Strings for Seattle formed, COVID hit, so he made this website!
Chris chose to donate to Seattle Children’s because in 2019, his best friend was diagnosed with stage IV Burkitt’s Lymphoma, a type of cancer. Thanks to his resilience and his amazing medical team, he survived. Chris wants to see that happen more often in his community.
How it Works
Choose a String.
If you have a string in mind you would like to use for your racquet, please mention it in the next step. If not, please indicate that on the form and we can discuss it!
Complete the Form.
If you are interested in having your racquet strung to support Seattle Children’s Hospital, please fill out this form.
Wait for a response!
After we receive and acknowledge your form, we will be in contact with you to figure out logistics and prices. Visit the FAQs page if you have any questions!