Frequently Asked Questions
Where does the money go?
100% of the profit from the base stringing service and donations will directly be donated to uncompensated care at the Seattle Children’s Hospital. However, the stringer will take tips!
What is the turnaround time?
Depending on the number of racquets in progress, the turnaround time can be anywhere between 24 hours and 72 hours. A more specific time window will be provided upon racquet submission.
How do I submit my racquet?
This can be discussed on a case-by-case basis, but there are generally two options.
First option: The stringer can come pick up your racquet from your house, provided that you are reasonably close and you leave your racquet outside. This way, you don’t have to wait for us to come by.
Second option: The stringer and the customer can meet at a discussed location.
How do I receive my racquet?
We can drop it off at your house or we could meet at a specific location!
How much do I have to pay?
The normal price for the service is 20 dollars (price of string not included). However, there may be sales or promotions! Tips are always welcome.
Ongoing promotion (limit 1 per customer): If you share this service with 3 of your friends and on social media, you can get 25% off!
How do I pay?
You can pay by cash (we do not carry change) when submitting your racquet or receiving it. We also have a way for you to pay on this website! Contact us with any questions!
When do I pay for the service?
You can pay for at any time: during pickup, during the turnaround time, or after the service at drop-off!
How do I choose a string?
In tennis, there are a variety of strings that are used by different players. For example, a durable string made from polyester would allow players to have control of the ball, but they would have to sacrifice power. On the other hand, natural gut strings, although more expensive, have a lot more power. These strings, however, are expensive. More affordable alternatives could fit your playing style just as well. Contact us!
Is a string provided?
Unfortunately, you will either have to purchase your own string and submit it with your racquet, or we can order it for you (you can reimburse us in the shop)! The latter would increase the turnaround time.
What about COVID-19?
Throughout the entire process, CDC guidelines will be followed. This means social distancing and wearing masks when interacting with people. On our end, we will wipe down your racquet immediately prior to returning it.
What if I have a question not on this page?
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us by email at stringsforseattle@gmail.com or by text at (509)-540-3137